First Paragraph
As OWLS—online writing labs or centers—have grown in popularity in colleges and universities across the nation, writing center scholars have conducted research about their usefulness,tutoring techniques, and design. (Eric Hobson’s edited collection, Wiring the Writing Center, is one recent source that documents the trials and successes of OWLS.) Although research about online writing centers is more prevalent and, to some extent, has legitimized the existence of centers online, we find in our own experience that more research is needed to understand the unique needs of an expanding online writing center.
Citation Information
Type of Scholarship: Newsletter Article
Authors: Lee-Ann M. Kastman Breuch, Sam J. Racine
Year of Publication: 2002
Title: “Tutor Time Commitment in Online Writing Centers”
Publication: Writing Lab Newsletter, Volume 26, Issue 9
Page Range: 10-13