The Archive as Classroom: Pedagogical Approaches to the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives, edited by Kathryn Comer, Michael Harker, and Ben McCorkle (2020)

First Paragraph

Launched in 2008, the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives (DALN) is an online collection of over 7000 stories of literacy experiences, containing submissions from around the world in text and multimodal formats. Teaching with the DALN in college and university courses, mainly first year composition, is the focus of The Archive as Classroom: Pedagogical Approaches to the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives, an open access, edited collection. Each chapter, preceded by a helpful abstract, offers description, theory, and context for the practical classroom materials housed in the robust appendices, which provide a concrete idea of the instructional context.

Citation Information

Type of Publication: Review

Author: Moira Connelly

Year of Publication: 2020

Title: The Archive as Classroom: Pedagogical Approaches to the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives, edited by Kathryn Comer, Michael Harker, and Ben McCorkle

Journal: Comp studies 48(3)

Page Range: 151-154