Virtual Conversation Hour: Asynchronous Tutoring Strategies

During this session, we’ll discuss asynchronous tutoring strategies, considering the following questions (or any other questions and ideas attendees bring!): What strategies do you use for providing students feedback asynchronously? What technologies or tools do you find helpful or effective? What kind of training have you done? What kind of training do you need to do?

Virtual Conversation Hour: Synchronous Tutoring Platforms

During this session, we’ll discuss synchronous tutoring platforms, considering the following questions (or any other questions and ideas attendees bring!): What platform do you use for your synchronous tutoring (e.g., Skype, Google Dogs, etc.)? What are the pros and the cons of your platform? How did you choose the platform? What considerations went into that choice?

Virtual Conversation Hour: Training for Online Writing Tutoring

During this session, we’ll consider the following questions (or any other questions and ideas attendees bring!): What unique training, if any, do you offer staff engaging in online writing tutoring? How do you structure your training (is it integrated with your face-to-face training or is it an additional “level” of training?) What training materials or activities have you found especially effective? What barriers are you facing in terms of training staff engaged in online writing tutoring?

Virtual Conversation Hour: OWC Readings

During this session, we’ll consider the following questions (or any other questions and ideas attendees bring!): What readings do you find most helpful in your OWC work or your tutor training? In what ways are those readings helpful? How have the readings impacted or changed your OWC tutoring?

Virtual Conversation Hour: Identifying & Navigating Institutional Context for OWCs

During this session, we’ll consider the following questions (or any other questions and ideas attendees bring!): How do you know your student demographics? Where did you find them and who did you consult? How did you determine your institutional context? How did learning that information impact decisions around OWC tutoring?

Virtual Conversation Hour: Assessment & Reporting for OWCs

During this session, we’ll consider the following questions (or any other questions and ideas attendees bring!): What metrics do you collect? What barriers or difficulties have you encountered? How has collecting metrics benefited you? Who do you report metrics to and how do you do that reporting?