Reading Club: Dismantling Neutrality: Cultivating Antiracist Writing Center Ecologies
July 19th, 2023 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT Readingclubprovides a space to discuss writing center scholarship. Based on the article or chapter chosen, participants will share experiences, ideas, […]
Webinar: “Genres of the Job Market” presented by Andrea Hernandez Holm and Jill Dahlman
This webinar will provide an overview of the academic job search process from researching positions to interpreting job descriptions to preparing the various documents required for applications. Attendees will learn more about what these genres entail in order to both tutor writers in these genres and to conduct their own potential job searches.
Info Session: “So You Want to Present at a Conference?”
Do you have ideas that can start a conversation? Have you done research that you want to share? Is there a workshop you feel is invaluable for others to participate in? The Online Writing Centers Association invites you to sign up for this informational session "So You Want to Present at a Conference?" at 2pm EST on Friday, September 22nd, 2023.
“Writing Center Services Beyond the Tutorial” by Khadeidra Billingsley and Sarah Huffman
Webinars provide a space to share experiences, ideas, strategies, and questions about online writing centers (OWCs). This webinar is a premium event. It will be free to OWCA members; members of the […]
Info Session: Professional Development Opportunities with OWCA & Election Application Workshop
At this informational session, you will learn about opportunities for professional development and discipline-level service with the Online Writing Centers Association. We'll talk about OWCA's mission, our upcoming election, volunteer […]
Executive Board Applications Due
The OWCA is currently accepting applications for the following positions: Assistant Treasurer Assistant Secretary Diversity & Social Justice Co-Chair Accessibility Co-Chair Virtual Events Co-Chair Student Representative (2 positions available) Grant Coordinator […]
Reading Club: Where We Are: AI and Writing
Reading club provides a space to discuss writing center scholarship. Based on the articles or chapters chosen, participants will share experiences, ideas, strategies, and questions about online writing centers (OWCs). […]
2024 OWCA Conference
The OWCA's 3nd virtual conference will take place asynchronously and synchronously. This year's theme is The Vital Writing Center: Evolution and Endurance. Questions? Email Conference Schedule Preview the extensive list […]
Reading Club: Asynchronous and Rhetorical: Appointment Forms and Their Effect on Writer-Consultant Exchanges
Reading club provides a space to discuss writing center scholarship. Based on the article or chapter chosen, participants will share experiences, ideas, strategies, and questions about online writing centers (OWCs). […]
Webinar: “From Transactional to Transformative: Supporting Students Writing Self-Promotional Genres”
Webinars provide a space to share experiences, ideas, strategies, and questions about online writing centers (OWCs). Event Details Presenters: Erin Todey Title: "From Transactional to Transformative: Supporting Students Writing Self-Promotional […]