The OWCA Professional Development Symposium will be held May 20, 2025

This year, we will be hosting a professional development symposium in lieu of a full conference

OWCA invites members to submit a presentation or workshop plan for our online symposium: a one-day event with engaging online sessions and opportunities for networking. We encourage all writing center folks of any level to participate, including writing center professionals, graduate students, and undergraduates. At the core of our symposium this year is the question: How can we continue to better our human practices through writing center pedagogy?

We invite you all to consider how critical professional development is for our growth as tutors and leaders within the writing center as well as our roles within our larger campuses and communities. How do the professional development opportunities you create and offer help foster collaboration, improve tutoring pedagogy, and highlight the significance of making the writing center-vis a vis the world- more accessible?
Individuals interested in submitting a plan should consider how impactful writing center pedagogy can be in mentoring students, tutors, graduate students, and faculty through writing center events, workshops, or alternate forms of professional development.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the OWCA Conference Chair: Jenny Torres,

Deadlines and Conference Timeline

  •  Submit an abstract of your presentation or workshop using the Google Form application
    • Priority Deadline – March 21, 2025
    • Final Deadline – March 28,2025
  • Acceptances – Early April
  • Conference Materials Due – May 9, 2025

How to Attend

While there is no unique conference registration fee, an OWCA membership is required by all who wish to present and/or attend. One-year OWCA memberships are $5-15 for students and $40 for professionals.

Not a member? Join the OWCA!

2025 Conference Information

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