Asynchronous, Question support, Student-tutor relationship, Nondirective feedback
First Paragraph
The recent advent of on-line computer network tutoring, however, raises an important question about tutors’ interactions with students who are having this conceptual kind of writing difficulty. The Online Writing Lab (OWL), a new service of the Purdue University Writing Lab, for example, provides students across campus with the opportunity to ask questions about writing and then to receive a response from a tutor, usually within a day. The student types his or her question into a networked computer from somewhere on or off campus (via the Internet), and then sends that message electronically to OWL’s electronic mail (e-mail) address. Similarly, tutors check “the mail” at given points throughout the day and send their electronic response back to the student’s “address.”
Citation Information
Type of Source: Newsletter Article
Author: Jeffrey S. Baker
Year of Publication: 1994
Title: “An Ethical Question about On-line Tutoring in the Writing Lab”
Publication: Writing Lab Newsletter, Volume 18, Issue 5
Page Range: 6-8