Translanguaging, multilingual writers, online writing tools
Translanguaging can be viewed as a theory, approach, or set of practices which validates multilingual expression, i.e., a full use of a multilingual person’s linguistic (and associated cultural, rhetorical, and connected knowledge) resources (Cenoz & Gorter, 2020; Cummins, 2019; Li, 2018; Li & García, 2013). In writing centers, a translanguaging approach, simply put, encourages multilingual writers to make use of knowledge from their multiple languages, or modes, whether online writing center staff speak all those languages or not. Translanguaging practices can utilize standard online writing tools in software, such as Zoom and Google Docs/MS Word Online, for meeting, drafting, and editing. Extra keyboards, dictionaries, and grammar-checkers may be needed.
Presentation Files:
Citation Information:
Type of Source: Conference Presentation
Presenters: Karen Barto
Year of Presentation: 2023
Title of Presentation: Translanguaging as Multimodality: Encouraging Multilingual Students’ Full Use of Linguistic Resources in Online Writing Centers
Conference: Online Writing Centers Association (OWCA)
Location of Conference: Virtual