Changing Conditions for Multilingual Writers: Writing Centers Destabilizing Standard Language Ideology 2020


Language Ideology, Multilingualism, Writing Centers


Writing centers provide a crucial site for multilingual writers to experience generative and productive conversation about their writing projects and for their language and cultural experiences to be appreciated as sources for meaning-making. For this to be possible, tutors must understand the phenomenon and problems of standard language ideology (SLI) and should have opportunities to develop practices that reflect translingual perspectives on language and communication. This study examines peer tutors’ participation on a private staff blog to demonstrate how opportunities to reflect on translingual practices and experiences can shift tutors’ knowledge and attitudes about SLI and create conditions for more equitable, cosmopolitan experiences for multilingual writers.

Citation Information

Type of Source: Journal Article

Authors: Sarah Blazer and Brian Fallon

Year of Publication: 2020

Title: Changing Conditions for Multilingual Writers: Writing Centers Destabilizing Standard Language Ideology

Publication: Comp Forum, 44