asynchronous, synchronous, online writing instruction (OWI), online learning, best/effective practices, pedagogy, accessibility, inclusivity, diversity, disability, accommodations, multilingual learners, universal design, technology, student training, staff training, mobile devices, multimodality, grammar, direct language, indirect language, course management, course design, library resources, counseling, professional development, staff recruitment, future research
Second Paragraph
This document describes OWI principles and example effective practices for teaching writing in the online learning contexts common in postsecondary education. First-year writing instruction is one of the most obvious areas requiring such a document; however, other composition courses/levels and writing-intensive courses in various disciplines also will benefit from this document. Designed primarily for teachers and writing program administrators as well as other stakeholders invested in the teaching of writing, this document represents collaboration among hundreds of experienced and expert OWI educators.
Citation Information
Type of Source: Position Statement
Author: The Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Committee for Best Practices in Online Writing Instruction
Year of Publication: 2013
Title: “A Position Statement of Principles and Example Effective Practices for Online Writing Instruction“