Towards a Rhetoric of On-line Tutoring (1994)


Asynchronous, Center development, Technology, Student-tutor relationship

First Paragraph

In the spring of 1993 I got this great idea: why not turn a writing tutorial into an actual writing tutorial? So often writing center tutorials have nothing to do with the act of writing. Students read aloud, make conversation, do some editing or planning. but rarely compose or communicate in writing. And there is no guilt here: As Stephen North reminds us in “Training Tutors To Talk About Writing.” the student’s “text is essen-tially a medium” for conversation (439), a starting point, a place to begin the session. not end it. But what would happen to that conversation if I took away the paper. took away speech, and took away physical presence? What would happen to the idea of a writing tutorial if we decided to make the act of writing the main event?

Citation Information

Type of Source: Newsletter Article

Author: David Coogan

Year of Publication: 1994

Title:Towards a Rhetoric of On-line Tutoring

Publication: Writing Lab Newsletter, Volume 19, Issue 1

Page Range: 3-5