Linking Technology to Pedagogy in an Online Writing Center (2004)

First Paragraph

Many law school Legal Writing programs are now using web-sites containing program descriptions, syllabi, course materials, discussion boards, and links to online research and writing re-sources. Several of these websites have links to online university writing labs (OWLs), which provide students with easy access to information about grammar, punctuation, and style. The more comprehensive OWLs also have interactive grammar quizzes, in-formation on the writing process, links to pedagogical resources for writing teachers, ideas on paragraph organization, and Power-Point workshops on various topics related to writing. Some of the materials available on these websites increase awareness of different writing genres, test student understanding of grammar through interactive quizzes, encourage reflection on the writing process, and stimulate thinking about rhetorical strategies and options.

Citation Information

Type of Scholarship: Journal Article

Author: Susan R. Dailey

Year of Publication: 2004

Title:Linking Technology to Pedagogy in an Online Writing Center

Publication: Legal Writing: The Journal of the Legal Writing Institute, Volume 10

Page Range: 181-206