asynchronous, synchronous, written feedback, video, text-chat, effective practices, multimodality, accessibility, tutor training
Webinar Recording
Is your WC going online in the fall? Are you utilizing your online tutoring tools more than ever before? Do you have questions about how to do this well? IWCA is sponsoring a webinar that may be able to help.
Join us for an event that will focus on the nuts and bolts of synchronous and asynchronous tutoring, and online communication tools you can use to connect to your staff and to your writers. Our presenters have had significant experience with online tutoring and want to share their work with you.
Citation Information
Type of Source: Webinar
Presenters: Dan Gallagher, Aimee Maxfield, J. M. Dembsey, Megan Boeshart, Kim Fahle
Date: July 29, 2020
Title: “Online Tutoring: Tips, Tricks, and Advice from Those Who Have Been There”
Organization: International Writing Centers Association (IWCA)