Asynchronous, Synchronous, Tutor training, Tutor hiring, Technology
First Paragraph
So your writing center is going online? You’ve learned how to help many student writers in a traditional face-to-face situation-but how do you prepare for helping writers who meet with you in online tutoring sessions? With the kinds of changes that technology brings to writing instruction, writing center consultants have good cause to wonder how technology will affect your work with student writers. Talking with writers can change when tutoring becomes asynchronous or synchronous. Some factors essential to strong tutoring don’t change, of course: good online writing instruction still includes sensitivity to the writer and attention to the details of audience, purpose, idea development, arrangement, and clarity. In this article, I’ll explore one of the first elements of preparing for online tutoring: deciding whether it’s for you.
Citation Information
Type of Source: Journal Article
Author: Beth L. Hewett
Year of Publication: 2004
Title: “How Do You Feel? Attitudes about Tutoring Online”
Publication: Praxis, Volume 1, Issue 2