Online Writing Labs (2015)


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OWI should be supported by online writing centers, most often referred to as online writing labs or OWLs. Developing these support structures, however, can be a daunting endeavor for many institutions, as OWLs are plagued with issues related to the perception that it is a deficit model for tutoring, accessibility issues, appropriate tutor training, and technology. OWL administrators and tutors can use the OWI principles to overcome many of these obstacles in developing and delivering quality writing instruction through tutoring.

Citation Information

Type of Source: Book Article

Authors: Diane Martinez, Leslie Olsen

Year of Publication: 2015

Title:Online Writing Labs” (available online)

Publication: Foundational Practices of Online Writing Instruction (available online)

Book Editors: Beth L. Hewett, Kevin E. DePew

Page Range: 183-210

Publisher: WAC Clearinghouse