Technology, Synchronous tutoring platforms
First Paragraph
In a recent Kairos article, “Expanding the Space of f2f,” Melanie Yergeau, Katie Wozniak, and Peter Vandenberg make the case for online synchronous tutoring. Though arguments for online tutoring, synchronous or not, have been made frequently over the last fifteen years, what is different about this piece is an emphasis on what they called “audio-video-textual conferencing” or AVT tutoring. Yergeau, Wozniak, and Vandenberg argue tutorials that include these elements, through video chat and digital document exchange, come closer to replicating what is good about face-to-face tutorials than asynchronous tutorials do. Though asynchronous tutoring has its own appeals, there is no arguing that AVT tutorials will look more like face-to-face (f2f) tutorials. Many writing center professionals, for this reason, might prefer AVT over asynchronous tutoring, yet find themselves with one stubborn question: How do we do that?
Citation Information
Type of Source: Newsletter Article
Author: Jackie Grutsch McKinney
Year of Publication: 2010
Title: “Geek in the Center: Audio-Visual-Textual Conferencing (AVT) Options”
Publication: Writing Lab Newsletter, Volume 34, Issue 9/10
Page Range: 11-12