First Paragraph
Composition studies has increasingly displayed an interest in graduate student writing. Writing may be the most unifying experience of graduate students across programs, disciplines, and institutions, since writing is perhaps the most fundamental action of scholarship. Composition studies’ growing interest in this writing is timely, as the guiding question of “what affects graduate student writing” that drives this interest overlaps with other trends in composition such as writing across the curriculum (graduate students write in all disciplines), translingualism (graduate students write with a wide range of linguistic backgrounds and resources), and mentorship (graduate students often work closely with faculty mentors or seek other supportive relationships). Graduate students are also undergoing the significant challenges of enculturation in their chosen field(s), which has prompted increasing social critique and personal reflection on what is at stake in a graduate education.
Citation Information
Type of Publication: Book Review
Author: Turnip Van Dyke
Year of Publication: 2021
Title: “Graduate Student Writing Is Graduate Student Work: A Review Essay“
Journal: Comp Studies 49(1)
Page Range: 177-183